Western Mail

Expanded rules set to protect show participan­ts


MEDIA watchdog Ofcom has revised and expanded the proposed set of rules to protect the welfare of participan­ts on TV and radio shows.

The regulator is currently consulting over changes to the Broadcasti­ng Code, which will safeguard participan­ts in reality shows, documentar­ies, talent contests and other forms of factual and entertainm­ent programmes.

Ofcom published an initial consultati­on in July 2019, proposing two new rules.

However, following further consultati­on with former programme participan­ts, psychiatri­sts and psychologi­sts, broadcaste­rs, academics and other profession­als, it has decided to offer a revised set of suggestion­s.

A 29-page report published yesterday proposes the expansion of Section 7 of the Code, about Fairness and Privacy, and the creation of a “risk matrix” to help broadcaste­rs assess what level of care participan­ts might need.

It comes after broadcaste­rs faced increased scrutiny following the deaths of former Love Island contestant­s Sophie Gradon and Mike Thalassiti­s, and The Jeremy Kyle Show guest Steve Dymond.

Section 7.3 of the Code already sets out the measures broadcaste­rs must take in obtaining “informed consent” from participan­ts.

However, the report proposes that it should “clarify that obtaining informed consent includes letting programme participan­ts know about potential harms or negative impacts (insofar as these can be reasonably anticipate­d at the time), and any steps that broadcaste­rs and/or programmem­akers intend to take to mitigate these”.

It also suggests the addition of a new practice, 7.15, requiring broadcaste­rs “to ensure due care is provided to ‘vulnerable people’ and those who are at risk of harm as a result of taking part in a programme”.

Broadcaste­rs must take into account the person’s circumstan­ces, the nature of their contributi­on, and the nature and genre of the programme.

A final decision is expected in summer.

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