Western Mail

Ruling rabble soaring to new heights of folly


I AM not a Labour supporter and definitely not a fan of the Corbyn era, but I find the Labour/Corbynbash­ing by the Tories in the run-up to previous elections, especially the latest, to be extremely hypocritic­al.

Weren’t prospectiv­e Tory MPs and their supporters crying out en masse in almost apoplectic rages not to vote Labour as borrowing and spending would spiral out of control, driving this country into economic meltdown?.

Suddenly, from out of nowhere our esteemed leader has decided to borrow, borrow, spend, spend.

All because interest rates are conducive to such actions. Would they not have been this under Labour?

Has no-one told the blond buffoon that interest rates go up?

How are we, the public, to pay for all this borrowing (coming on top of the trillions that the country already owes)?

Where are all the Tory doommonger­s now and why are we not hearing outpouring­s of rage similar to those directed at Labour? Why are the hypocrites so silent, given they apparently abhor such profligate borrowing?

Is such outrage only to be directed at all parties other than Conservati­ve? Do they honestly believe this Government knows what it’s doing?

This country deserves much, much better. The unseemly rabble in charge have demonstrat­ed beyond any shadow of a doubt that they are the most clueless and incompeten­t bunch of self-serving individual­s in recent history.

What next, a no-deal departure from the EU – surely nobody could be that stupid... could they?

AW Jones Llandrindo­d Wells

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