Western Mail


- RYAN O’NEILL Reporter ryan.oneill@walesonlin­e.co.uk

FOR parents and children across Wales, the start of the new school terms will be like no other.

Earlier this summer Education Minister Kirsty Williams announced that schools in Wales would be returning full-time in September, with pupils being grouped together in “contact groups” of around 30 pupils.

It’s a far cry from the past five months, when schools have been shut, children separated from friends, and parents forced to come to grips with Google Classroom tutorials.

As classrooms prepare to reopen into a very different environmen­t, we spoke to parents about how they are feeling about it.

Bethan Sutton-Evans lives in Canton, Cardiff, and her children, Charlie, four, and Ella, seven, are due to go back to Ysgol Treganna next week.

Her husband Pete suffers from stage four lung cancer, which she says puts her household at greater risk if the virus is brought back.

“From the kids’ perspectiv­e, they’re completely ready to go back and see their friends. We are torn, though, because their dad is ill and it’s a tricky tightrope to tread,” she says.

“There is that level of extra thinking needed. If you are in a household where everyone is young, fit and healthy then I can easily see how you wouldn’t give it much thought, but because of Pete’s illness we have to.

“I am happy for them to go back now, but we will be constantly reviewing the situation. Nothing is a given.”

Bethan says the family have plans in place if there is a second wave in Wales.

“If cases start to rise, either my husband will move in with his parents or we’ll take the kids out of school. The school have been brilliant since he was diagnosed a few years back, they’ve always been flexible and understand­ing.

“It almost makes it easier for us as there is a reason to be scared, because we know the danger of getting the virus when you’re already sick. Whereas for a lot of others there is a lot of uncertaint­y. There’s no simple right or wrong, there’s no easy answer in terms of what you should or shouldn’t do.”

Bethan adds that schools are coping well given the lack of specific guidelines which means many are taking varying safety approaches.

“The school are staggering start and finish times and keeping classes in bubbles. They have been great, especially as there is no specific guidance, so schools are taking completely different approaches in some cases.

“Our school, for example, are telling the kids to bring their own pencils and pencil cases, but parents in other schools have said they’ve been told not to do that and that the school are giving them. It’s kind of impossible for them when there’s no specific guidance.

“We’ll monitor it in the next few weeks, but I will make the call if it’s necessary.”

Julie Griffiths is from Mountain Ash, and her daughter Tia, 12, is preparing to go back to Aberdare Community School on September 10.

She says she is afraid of the virus being brought into the house as she is shielding and has not been able to return to her job as a carer, as she is classed as high-risk.

“I am very nervous about her going back,” she said.

“They went back for three weeks but I didn’t send her then.

“I know there will be procedures in place but how safe will that be? Covid-19 hasn’t gone away and there is still no vaccine.

“I have been shielding since March and not been able to go back to my job as I’m highrisk, so I’m nervous.

“My daughter has been fine about it, she’ll have hand gel and everything. Children aged 11 and over in school have to wear face masks, which she’s fine with.

She’s pretty clued-up as to what’s going on.

“It’s the fact that people can have it with no symptoms, it’s not knowing if it’s being brought back into the home, and then me bringing it into work when I do go back.

“There’s also the fact that the few times I’ve been out to get shopping

people seem to think it’s back to normal.

“Nobody is social distancing and they are just coming right by you to pick things up off the shelves.”

However, other parents say they will be happy to return to some degree of normality in the coming weeks.

Laura Summerfiel­d lives in Marshfield, and her 11-year-old son Archie will be starting high school next week.

“I feel absolutely fine about it. He’s been out and about playing with two or three of his close friends from primary school already.

“We went out for lunch the other day and the amount of people who were in town with no social distancing or anything, it was so busy.

“If this is how it is, then there is no reason why children can’t be back in school.

“Archie has missed out on the end of primary school and his transition days because of lockdown. They’ve missed out on so much in terms of education, but also maturing, spending quality time with friends and having a structure to your day.

“I think the risk is low when you compare it to how much they’re missing out on at the minute.”

Laura says her son’s school will only open from 8.30am to 1.30pm Wednesday to Friday initially, with lunch halls closed for the time being.

“If people who are most vulnerable are still being careful and schools are sensible about it and go about it in a safe way, I don’t see the problem. We have to learn to live with the virus – it’s not forever, hopefully.

“I’ve read that the worst age for lockdown has been for children around 11 or 12, because of the changes they’re going through.

“It’s all about personal circumstan­ces too – if you can send them back then do, if not then don’t.”

Corinne Rowlands, from Blackwood, Caerphilly, agrees it’s time for schools to reopen after months of home schooling.

“I suppose it’s different as my son Jacob, who’s 13, is older and will be wearing a mask, which I’m fine with.

“For me, he needs to go back. It’s the communicat­ion skills, he needs to be around his mates.

“I totally understand parents or family who are high-risk. But when it comes to schooling, I’m not a teacher, I can’t give them the same level no matter how much material we have or Google Classroom is done.

“I work from home and sometimes I go and do some work and look back and he’s abandoned the work and doing something else.

“Jacob is a Latin dancer and we’re used to coming home from school, having something to eat and then down to the studio for three or four hours, but that’s been shut too.

“His studio is open again now. If anything, it should have been schools before dance studios opening.

“He does have mild asthma, but the risk is so low – you know, he could catch a cold or the flu, which nobody seems to be talking about.

“There’s lots of risks in life, but you have to get on with it.”

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 ?? Getty Images ?? > The start of the new school term will be a challenge
Getty Images > The start of the new school term will be a challenge

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