Western Mail

Researcher­s probe blood clotting effect of Covid-19

- MARK SMITH Health correspond­ent mark.smith@walesonlin­e.co.uk

RESEARCHER­S at Morriston Hospital have been awarded Welsh Government funding to investigat­e one of the devastatin­g consequenc­es of Covid-19.

The virus is known to trigger the formation of abnormal blood clots that can lead to damage in organs including the brain and lungs, causing life-threatenin­g complicati­ons such as strokes.

What is not yet known is why this happens – and that’s what the team at the Welsh Centre for Emergency Medicine Research will investigat­e should there be an upsurge in cases.

Over the years, its multidisci­plinary group of clinical and non-clinical scientists has developed an internatio­nal reputation in detecting and measuring how acute critical illness alters the clotting of the blood.

It has attracted millions of pounds in research funding and published more than 100 papers, often in prestigiou­s worldwide journals.

Now the centre, based in the hospital’s Emergency Department, has been awarded a Welsh Government Sêr Cymru grant to carry out a unique research study in the event of a second wave.

It will involve the use of new biomarkers (a form of blood test) which the team previously developed to screen patients at risk of thromboemb­olic disease such as stroke, sepsis and deep vein thrombosis.

All these have an inflammato­ry component, which causes abnormal coagulatio­n.

The biomarker can detect these abnormalit­ies, helping with the diagnosis of the diseases, their progressio­n and severity, as well as monitoring the effectiven­ess of treatment.

The same principles will underline the Covid-19 study as the virus has a marked systemic inflammato­ry element.

This can lead to a localised clotting abnormalit­y in small vessels in organs such as the lungs, brain, kidneys and heart, especially in patients with a previous history of underlying vascular disease and chronic illness.

Professor Adrian Evans founded and leads the emergency medicine academic research programme at Morriston Hospital.

He said: “Covid-19 can be an aggressive infective disease which has a marked inflammato­ry component, and which is known to have a major impact on the clotting system.

“We know that it enters through receptors in cells and the surface of blood vessels, triggering abnormal clot formation localised within the affected organ.

“In the lungs it decreases oxygenatio­n, and that’s why patients are so short of oxygen. It also causes abnormal clots to form in the brain, kidney, heart and other organs.

“We know convention­al tests can pick this up, but they don’t tell us why or the mechanisms behind it.

“Neither do they give us informatio­n on the nature of the abnormal clots’ structure and quality compared to healthy clots.

“We have developed new biomarkers on clot structure which we think will give us more insights into why these mechanisms occur, and how effective the current treatments are.

“We hope to have a better idea of how the effect of Covid-19 and its inflammato­ry response not only triggers abnormal coagulatio­n, but also to ascertain how drugs such as dexamethas­one and anticoagul­ants such as heparin affect the disease process.

“This is very much a mechanisti­c study which we hope will give us some idea of what treatment options may potentiall­y be optimised in the future.”

The value of the research is around £130,000, including the Welsh Government grant and match-funding.

As well as Prof Evans, the research team comprises clinical haemorheol­ogist Dr Matthew Lawrence, consultant­s Dr Suresh Pillai, Dr Katy Guy and Dr Rangaswamy Mothukuri, and research assistant Jan Whitley. A research nurse will also be recruited.

Assuming there is a second wave, patients with suspected Covid-19 will be screened as they arrive at Morriston ED. Those confirmed to have the disease will be followed up over a period of days and weeks.

Some will require standard treatment, such as anticoagul­ants, antiinflam­matory drugs, steroids, oxygen and intravenou­s fluids.

They may be well enough to go home after a short period. The condition of other patients, however, will worsen.

These patients may suffer severe breathing difficulti­es, renal problems or cerebrovas­cular injury, which may result in them being put on life-support in intensive care.

Prof Evans said it was believed the clotting abnormalit­ies developed as people became more severely unwell with Covid-19.

“We will measure how the disease progresses and, as it progresses, why it produces abnormal clots in some and not others,” he said.

“We will also look at those groups who get better with treatment. What is different about them? Is it that they are not developing abnormal clots to the same extent – in which case, why?

“Or is it that the treatment is more effective in certain patients and not others – and, again, why?”

The study, likely to involve upwards of 40 patients, will also consider factors such as comorbidit­ies and family history to provide a whole picture.

Some preliminar­y work has already been carried out, involving four patients who came through ED with Covid.

Prof Evans said that, as a result, the team knew they could use the biomarker to accurately measure the extent it affected blood clotting.

“We are the only centre in the UK or anywhere who can use this specific biomarker of clot microstruc­ture to look at abnormal clotting to discover new insights into the disease,” he said.

“It has been pioneered here at the Welsh Centre for Emergency Medicine Research and Swansea University.

“Ultimately we hope to get a better understand­ing of why these people develop abnormal clots, to look at what treatments are effective in preventing the clots, and to improve the healthcare of patients in the long term and save lives.”

 ??  ?? > The research team – front row, Professor Adrian Evans, Dr Suresh Pillai; middle row, Dr Matthew Lawrence and Dr Katy Guy; back row, Jan Whitley and Dr Rangaswamy Mothukuri
> The research team – front row, Professor Adrian Evans, Dr Suresh Pillai; middle row, Dr Matthew Lawrence and Dr Katy Guy; back row, Jan Whitley and Dr Rangaswamy Mothukuri

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