Western Mail

Claire Petulengro


ARIES MARCH 21 - APRIL 20 Other’s actions have caused you pain. You see this by the way you are finding it hard to concentrat­e on the day to day jobs you have to do. Take time out for you and work out where you want your next move to be. The stars are behind you for the impossible to become possible. Ring now for help. TAURUS APRIL 20 - MAY 21

You can feel the change that is coming, but you can’t quite see it yet. You know you have a long road ahead of you, but you are ready for the fight. The power of words helps you open important doors this week. Don’t waste it on those who can’t give you what you want. Ring now for insight. GEMINI MAY 22 - JUNE 21

Regardless of whether you succeed or fail in what you are trying to achieve, you now know that your journey has begun. Try not to let third party influences tell you what you want. Knowing your own mind and thoughts is the key to what you want this year. Call now so we can start work on you. CANCER JUNE 22 - JULY 22 Just like your sign of the crab, you’ve retreated into your shell and you’re trying to ignore the world. You can’t ignore how you feel though. The longer you resist, the longer it will take you to get to where you want to be. Ring now to hear how old friends can provide the smelling salts. LEO JULY 23 - AUGUST 23

Try not to spend so much time worrying about what others are doing. Focus on what you know you have to do. By ignoring the inevitable, you are only making it harder to get what you need to done. Call who’s on your mind. Their reactions will pleasantly surprise you. Ring now for clear vision. VIRGO AUGUST 24 - SEPTEMBER 22 Something has stopped you in your tracks. What you have to decide, is if it is an opportunit­y or a problem. Today’s events tell you all you need to know. Don’t be afraid to let others do some of the talking. Ring your star number now to take your astrology journey further. LIBRA SEPTEMBER 23 - OCTOBER 23

Don’t judge each day by what has happened, but by what happens from here on in. You did what you have to do, surely you can see that now. Attempts you make to improve relations with close ones is better left until Thursday. Call now to hear why you must be your priority before then. SCORPIO OCTOBER 24 - NOVEMBER 21 Focus on the good things in life, no matter how small, then they will multiply. It’s clear to see that you have been guided by others advice. No more. From here on in you realise that you must do what is needed to get you where you long to be. Ring me now to delve deeper. SAGITTARIU­S NOVEMBER 22 - DECEMBER 20 Don’t give away too much too soon to those you deal with today. I see, and you will too soon enough, that what is required in your current drama, is patience. Those you meet by chance hold the key to a new personal path you’re soon set to take. Ring me to find out more about your future. CAPRICORN DECEMBER 21 - JANUARY 20 Notice the little things that occur today. By taking a moment to catch your breath, you will soon see what needs to happen next. Emotions make it hard for you to make a permanent decision. Time is your answer. Be true to what you promised yourself this time last year. Ring now for help. AQUARIUS JANUARY 21 - FEBRUARY 19

There is a real celebrator­y feel to your chart. I’ve been trying to work out if it’s about you, or someone close to you, and have come to the conclusion, that it’s about you as a team. Use today to confirm that you’re all on the same journey. Ring now to get your heart and head in unison. PISCES FEBRUARY 20 - MARCH 20

Time you spend on paperwork and sorting out a better base for your future, is time well used. Someone you used to rely on has been unreliable of late, and will continue to be. Use today to recognise this fact and to make firmer plans. Dial now to recognise your sign’s needs.

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