Western Mail

Uni lights up its eco credential­s in recycling message


SWANSEA University has literally gone green to hammer home the recycling message.

To mark Recycling Week, the university has given its backing to WRAP Cymru’s Be Mighty – Recycle campaign and is showing its support by turning Fulton House green this week.

The building at the heart of Singleton Campus has been lit up by green lights to celebrate Wales’ commitment to recycling from 8pm to 10pm every night until tomorrow.

Young adults in Wales are recycling more than ever before – figures show more than three-quarters of 18 to 24-year-olds recycle regularly and that 76% are recycling more this year than in 2019.

Swansea University’s head of sustainabi­lity Dr Heidi Smith said: “Wales may be a small country, but when it comes to recycling, we punch way above our weight. We’re already the third-best recycling nation in the world and here at Swansea University we want to do all we can to make Wales number one.”

Recycling plays a role in tackling climate change and it’s a simple thing that everyone can do to help make a real impact.

Swansea University has taken significan­t steps over the years to reduce waste and increase recycling rates.

Dr Smith added: “Recycling is now the norm here and most of our students recycle as part of their daily routine. They’re recycling fruit and vegetable peelings, eggshells, teabags and plate scrapings in their food caddies, recycling from every room including the bathroom and bedroom, and recycling tricky items such as empty aerosols.

“On campus, they are making use of our segregated waste and recycling bins.”

To learn more visit www. walesrecyc­les.org.uk, look out for the ads on TV, on buses and billboards and social media across Wales or join the conversati­on using the hashtag #mightyrecy­clers

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