Western Mail

Salmond case tweet man jailed

- LUCINDA CAMERON Press Associatio­n reporter newsdesk@walesonlin­e.co.uk

AMAN who tweeted the names of women who gave evidence against former Scottish first minister Alex Salmond at his trial has been jailed for six months.

Clive Thomson, 52, carried out a “blatant and deliberate” breach of a contempt of court order banning the identifica­tion of the complainer­s by naming five of them on social media.

The former first minister was cleared of all 13 charges, including sexual assault, indecent assault and attempted rape, following a trial at the High Court in Edinburgh last year.

At the High Court in Edinburgh on Thursday, Lady Dorrian said that Thomson knew the order had been made but decided to flout it, believing at the time of his second post that he might be safe from proceeding­s from contempt of court by being abroad.

She said: “You had thus given thought to how you might get away with it, going as far as to seek advice about that on Twitter. You decided to take a calculated risk.

“This was a blatant and deliberate breach of the order, which was likely to cause serious stress and concern to the complainer­s and interfere with the protection extended to them by the order.”

She said that his actions were “clearly politicall­y motivated, with a small ‘p”.’

Lady Dorrian, sitting with Lord Pentland and Lord Matthews, said the court took account of the fact it was a “deliberate, and indeed planned” contempt of court and described it as a “very serious matter.”

In a sentencing statement also published after the hearing, she said: “There are very good reasons why complainer­s in sexual offence cases are given anonymity.

“The protection is, by convention, afforded to complainer­s in all cases, not just the one with which we are concerned.

“Moreover, the reason for such protection extends beyond the complainer­s in the present case.

Thomson admitted contempt of court at a previous hearing in January.

Lady Dorrian said that for such a “premeditat­ed contempt” there is no alternativ­e to a custodial sentence and jailed him for six months.

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