Western Mail

Word on the web

Decision on Easter holidays in Wales will be made next week


WE have been locked up for nearly four months. If the First Minister is going by the data he will see Covid numbers in Wales have dropped like a stone with the R number well below 1. It’s time to start easing the lockdown.

Dawn Davies

WE have to have faith in the vaccine.The most vulnerable have been vaccinated and on going vaccinatio­ns are being done at an incredible pace. We are in lot better place than when we opened lockdown first time.

Gillian Anderson

IF things are rushed and opened quickly I feel we will be back to square one. The vaccine isn’t a cure it minimises the chance of death and hospitalis­ation.

Kyle Michael

I MYSELF am based in London but I have so many wonderful friends in Wales that I really want to visit.

Saccina Dunbar

Follow us on Twitter @WalesOnlin­e avoiding the flu vaccine, one variety or other of which has been on offer to me each year.

In spite of polite nudging by the NHS, I decided to desist – as I did (perhaps unwisely) in the case of the shingles vaccine, which I agreed to, and later changed my mind.

Should vaccinatio­n be made compulsory? I think not, though there are some practical arguments in favour.

From the point of view of leaders of society as a whole, it is tidier if everyone conforms, but that then begs a lot of questions about democracy and the right to be different.

Perhaps the promotion of ‘diversity’ in these matters could be a matter of some importance to the spiritual-type health of any society where most people on reflection do not just wish to be economic units, measured in all they do by statistici­ans and scientists, and where diverging from the mean is not at all encouraged.

With great respect, I would differ from the Queen in this particular debate, though I naturally respect her right to hold the views on ‘vaccinatio­n for all’ that she does and to give guidance to her people. Michael O’Neill


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