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Cryptic crossword


Stuck on today’s puzzle? Call 0905 789 4220 to hear individual clues or the full solution.

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1. Herb is what the boy may be called (5)

4. I posted wrong amount put in the bank (7) 8. Formidable types pitch into the sailors (7) 9. Swallowed the last of the beer in unpleasant­ly wet surroundin­gs (5)

10 & 19Dn. This indicates it’s time to retire from final appointmen­t (4,4)

11. See 13 Down

13. Buy and sell timber (4)

14. See 3 Down

16. Emphasised what many French words are (8)

17. Addition to the stock from a local farm (4)

20. Amorous character more disturbed by love (5)

21. Could be a pointer to what a diet contains (7)

22. Made an erasure authorised in the document (7)

23. A right to possession of a championsh­ip (5)


1. Bearing the marks of having been engaged! (6-7)

2. Classifies the species (5) 3 & 14Ac. Bound to make Alf

grope! (8)

4. Refuse to stay where the ground is infertile (6) 5. Service that results in rectificat­ion of footfaults (8) 6. Hermetical­ly packing marine fish (7)

7. Feeling insulted at what the thief is charged with! (6,7)

12. From a carton I produce protective clothing (8) 13 & 11Ac. Figurative­ly speaking, it’s a part that has some point to it (7,8)

15. The man did impression­s and made a pile (6)

18. On the watch for a danger signal (5)

19. See 10 Across

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