Western Mail



ARIES March 21–April 20

Someone isn’t as happy as they are making themselves out to be. On the surface it seems as if they live a lucky life. Underneath it all, there’s a lot going on that they don’t speak about. You sense they could do with a little emotional support. Let them know you are there for them if they want to talk.

TAURUS April 21-May 21

You have put countless hours into a project that isn’t making progress. You wonder if you are wasting your time. Discuss your worries and concerns with an experience­d friend or colleague. You have a lot to get on with and this makes it a stressful time for you. Take it one step at a time.

GEMINI May 22-June 21

A community project will gain your support. The scale of a problem causing upset in your community is unbelievab­le and something needs to be done to improve the situation. It will feel good to be involved in something that could make a big difference if you are successful.

CANCER June 22-July 23

Circumstan­ces demand that you work alongside someone you hardly know. You aren’t familiar with each other’s views and methods. Although you will be expected to produce quick results you also need to be fair on each other. You will soon establish a comfortabl­e routine.

LEO July 24-Aug 23

The result of a team effort is not what you expected. This could cause havoc unless you take a more detailed approach to the situation. You’re trying to plan ahead but you also sense circumstan­ces will have changed when the time arrives. A versatile approach makes life easier.

VIRGO Aug 24-Sept 23

You’re tired of people looking to you for answers. You are just as confused about some matters as they are. It’s impossible to clarify them when you aren’t certain of them yourself. There’s too much pressure on you to give explanatio­ns in areas that remain vague and uncertain.

LIBRA Sept 24–Oct 23

The encouragem­ent and help you are willing to give your family will be appreciate­d. Your kindness is respected more than you realise. Recent arguments are swiftly forgotten as you join forces with others to turn a dream into reality. A new exercise regime or diet will get your interest.

SCORPIO Oct 24-Nov22

You are feeling uncertain of your abilities in some areas. Even so, you know you can learn as you go along. It would help you to gain the support of an experience­d friend or colleague. If they can guide you on what the next steps should be, you will work out the rest by yourself.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23-Dec 21

You’ve been trying to work out why you aren’t as happy as you used to be. This might be the right time to rearrange your life to make it more exciting. You need more challenge. Your partner and family will give you the support and encouragem­ent you need to move forward.

CAPRICORN Dec 22-Jan 20

Even though you are a creature of habit, routine matters can be left for a day or so if you find that other more attractive options pop up. A friend or colleague’s imaginativ­e ideas will add more interest to your days. Friendship­s are at a turning point as new faces enter your life.

AQUARIUS Jan 21-Feb 19

Just relying on charities will not be a feasible way for a pilot scheme in your community to continue. Organising a fundraiser won’t be easy but it could be the answer. A nosy neighbour will interfere with a matter you are trying to resolve. This is unlikely to be of any help at all.

PISCES Feb 20-Mar 20

Someone has let you down and yet you are blaming yourself for not having explained things properly. Think back over your last few meetings and you will realise that you are not the one at fault. It is their laziness that is the root of the problem but they aren’t going to admit that, are they?

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