Western Mail



IF this shows one thing, it is that PPE works. The people working in Wales’ ICUs were exposed to more coronaviru­s than anyone, but because they were properly equipped and enabled to carry out their roles safely, they were less likely to die. This makes the total failure to provide adequate PPE, especially at the start of the pandemic, all the more scandalous.

Scandalous can also be applied to the treatment of care homes.

For months the Welsh Government had refused to test asymptomat­ic residents entering care homes after being discharged from hospital. Right through April the First Minister Mark Drakeford said the expert advice said there was ‘no value’ in asymptomat­ic testing. The same rules applied to staff. This meant that many staff, who had provided direct care to covid patients, were not allowed to be tested because they didn’t have symptoms. Even though we know that the majority of Covid cases have no symptoms or mild symptoms the Welsh Government would not relent on its policy.

Even though there was evidence that people could be infectious during the incubation phase of the disease, before the onset of symptoms, the Welsh Government would not approve the testing of asymptomat­ic patients and staff.

This was the uniform policy across the UK but in the middle of April the UK Government changed the rule in England. At the end of April, as evidence mounted that the virus was decimating parts of Wales’ care system, the Welsh government changed its policy.

You can read the full details of this in the chapter on care homes.

With this terrible policy blunder hanging around its neck and the care sector apoplectic with rage, the Welsh Government wanted to make a big gesture to redirect the headlines (and of course to show their heartfelt gratitude).

> Lockdown Wales by Will Hayward £9.99 www.serenbooks.com/ productdis­play/lockdown-wales ISBN 9781781726­013


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Lockdown Wales by Will Hayward

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