Western Mail

General Knowledge Crossword



1. Best Actor Oscarwinne­r for the film Leaving Las Vegas (7,4)

9. Member of an Asiatic nomadic people who invaded the Roman Empire in the 4th and 5th century AD (3)

10. Massif in Nepal, part of the Himalayas (9)

11. Sign of the zodiac also called the Scales (5)

13. American state whose capital is Montgomery (7)

14. Cowardly braggart in The Merry Wives of Windsor (6)

16. --- pectoris is a sudden pain in the chest (6)

18. Yellowish-white element which occurs in platinum ores (7)

19. Lively modern ballroom dance from Brazil (5)

20. Egyptian village, scene of a decisive Allied victory in 1942 (2,7)

21. Norwegian pop group who sang the theme to the Bond film The Living Daylights (1-2)

22. Henry, son of John of Gaunt, who became King Henry IV of England (11)


2. Electrical­ly charged atom formed by the loss or gain of one or more electrons (3)

3. Port in Japan, chief commercial city during feudal times (5)

4. Plant that completes its life cycle in one year (6)

5. Officer of the navy who holds a rank between commander and rear admiral (7)

6. Brittle grey element used in transistor­s which occurs mainly in zinc ores (9)

7. Asian republic whose capital is Manila (11)

8. Watercours­e which links the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans (6,5)

12. Torture in which the soles of the feet are beaten with a stick (9)

15. The Japanese art of paper folding (7)

17. Medieval walled town in Bavaria (6)

19. Position-finding device used in underwater navigation (5)

21. Diving bird of northern oceans of the family Alcidae (3)

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