Western Mail

Don't get floored by pelvic muscle weakness

A weak pelvic floor can cause a host of issues. But strengthen­ing it is possible, as LISA SALMON finds out


WE know exercise is good for us, but there’s one area of the body that even the fittest of folk may be completely neglecting – the pelvic floor.

Pelvic floor muscles help maintain the position of pelvic organs, and all bladder, bowel and sexual functions need them to be strong. Just like any muscles, they can become damaged and weakened, or – conversely – strengthen­ed by training.

However, possibly because pelvic floor muscles are hidden, unlike our abs or biceps, they tend to be neglected, with few people (particular­ly women, who need to do them most) regularly exercising them – despite the fact pelvic floor exercises are very easy and can even be done sitting at your desk or lying in bed.

The Chartered Society of Physiother­apy (csp.org.uk) says up to a third of women have a problem with their pelvic floor muscles at some point in life.

“We can clearly see other muscles in our body, but the notion of having a pelvic muscle is much harder for people to grasp,” says pelvic floor physiother­apist Kate Lough.

“The pelvic floor is in an intimate part of the body, so there’s embarrassm­ent when it comes to people seeking help for issues such as leaking.”

Kate, who is chair of the Pelvic, Obstetric & Gynaecolog­ical Physiother­apy network (thepogp.co.uk), says there’s a lack of education about the pelvic floor, and stresses: “Knowing about its role is important, as it helps people understand how to protect it when the various things that influence it come into play.”

The pelvic muscles span the base of the bony pelvis. They’re constantly pulled down by gravity while we’re standing, which means they weaken as we age. Childbirth, as well as other factors including constipati­on, smoking, illness, certain highintens­ity exercises, menopause, injury and obesity, can also damage our pelvic floor muscles.

But you can improve pelvic floor strength at any age, promises the CSP. The most common pelvic floor problems, they note, are leaking urine when active, sneezing or coughing (stress urinary incontinen­ce), and pelvic organ prolapse (a feeling of something coming down in the vagina). The CSP says urinary incontinen­ce affects one in nine men and one in three women – yet only around 25% of women seek help for it (CSP research has found 43% of adults think leaking urine is just a normal part of giving birth or getting older).

But leaking urine isn’t just something you have to put up with, and it can be tackled with regular pelvic floor exercises over a period of time.

And these exercises are definitely worth doing as pelvic floor muscles help keep bladder and bowel openings closed to prevent incontinen­ce, and relax to allow easy bladder and bowel emptying. Good pelvic floor muscles can also benefit your sex life by improving vaginal sensation.

“It’s best to educate yourself about your pelvic floor early in life,” says Kate, “but I’m working with patients aged 80, who are struggling with incontinen­ce but are able to greatly improve their symptoms with pelvic floor exercises. It’s really never too late to start them or seek help from a qualified profession­al.”

The CSP recommends all women exercise their pelvic floor muscles every day, throughout their lives. Curious about how to do pelvic floor exercises correctly? Here’s what the CSP says...


In a comfortabl­e lying or sitting position, imagine you’re trying to stop yourself from passing wind and urine at the same time – drawing the pelvic floor muscles upwards and forwards from the back passage towards the bladder.

You may feel a lifting up and tightening as your muscles contract. Try not to hold your breath; breathe in through your nose, drawing air to the bottom of your lungs and letting your tummy relax, then breathe out through your mouth.

You could also try counting out loud to encourage normal breathing. Your lower tummy may tighten, which is normal, but keep your buttocks and legs relaxed.

Let your pelvic floor muscles relax fully after every contractio­n.


Tighten your pelvic floor muscles, hold them tight, then release and let them fully relax. How long can you hold the squeeze?

Repeat the squeeze and hold until the pelvic floor muscles tire. How many times can you repeat the squeezes?


Quickly tighten your pelvic floor muscles, then immediatel­y let them go again. How many times can you do this quick squeeze before the muscles get tired?

Always let the muscles fully relax after each squeeze. Aim to be able to do 10 long squeezes, holding each squeeze for 10 seconds, followed by 10 short squeezes.


Using a mirror, check the area between your vagina and back passage moves up and inwards when you contract your pelvic floor muscles.

Then feel inside your vagina with your thumb or index finger. Tighten your pelvic floor muscles, and you should feel them tightening around your thumb or finger.

If you’re sexually active, you could try to squeeze your muscles during penetratio­n, and ask if your partner can feel the squeeze.


The CSP recommends you do pelvic floor muscle exercises at least three times a day, and says you may find it easier to do them, at least initially, when sitting or lying down.


You may need to start with little and often, if you can only hold the squeeze for a short time, or only do a few before the muscles tire, says Kate.

“Build up your exercise routine gradually over the weeks and months, and you should notice an improvemen­t in three to five months,” she says. “Then keep practising once a day to maintain the improvemen­t.”

As your muscles improve, do the exercises in other positions such as standing, she advises. Eventually, you can practise while doing activities such as walking and bending.

Urinary incontinen­ce affects one in nine men and one in three women – yet only around 25% of women seek help for it


“Pelvic floor exercises do help in the majority of cases, but it may take weeks or months before you notice a substantia­l improvemen­t,”

Kate says. “If after this time you’re still not noticing an improvemen­t, seek help from a specialist pelvic health physiother­apist. It’s important to get the right muscles working in the right way.”

 ?? ?? It isn’t just pregancy that weakens pelvic floor muscles – but exercising them can avoid all manner of problems
It isn’t just pregancy that weakens pelvic floor muscles – but exercising them can avoid all manner of problems
 ?? ?? Find a comfortabl­e position to start working those muscles
Find a comfortabl­e position to start working those muscles
 ?? ?? Exercises can even be done while sitting at your desk
Exercises can even be done while sitting at your desk
 ?? ?? Kate Lough pelvic floor physiother­apist
Kate Lough pelvic floor physiother­apist

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