Western Mail

Lawyers criticise move on sentences


MAGISTRATE­S have had their sentencing powers doubled in a bid to tackle the courts backlog – but the move has been criticised as “counter-productive” by lawyers.

The lower courts will now be able to hand out jail terms of up to a year for a single offence – twice as long as the previous maximum – the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) announced.

Deputy Prime Minister, Lord Chancellor and Justice Secretary Dominic Raab said: “We are doing everything in our power to bring down the court backlog, and doubling the sentencing powers of magistrate­s will create more capacity in the crown court to hear the most serious cases.”

Bev Higgs, national chair of the Magistrate­s Associatio­n, said: “We are pleased that the Government has placed its confidence in the magistracy and introduced this power, alongside other measures, to ease court delays.”

The MoJ said magistrate­s and legal advisers have been provided with training ahead of the change to ensure they know how best to use the new powers.

The change is aimed at freeing up more time for the crown courts to deal with more complex and serious cases and delivering swifter justice for victims, the MoJ said.

It estimates the action could result in almost 2,000 extra days for crown courts per year.

But the move has been heavily criticised by the Criminal Bar Associatio­n (CBA), which represents practising barristers across England and Wales.

Jo Sidhu QC, chair of the CBA, said: “Keeping back more cases in the magistrate­s may in any event only trigger more appeals to the crown court, adding to the growing lists of outstandin­g cases and diverting criminal advocates from tackling the pile-up of trials .”

The CBA said one of the biggest issues contributi­ng to the backlog is the number of outstandin­g crown court trials, which are unaffected by any change to the sentencing powers of magistrate­s.

Many defendants who are charged with offences that can be tried in either crown court or magistrate­s courts will also choose trial by jury, meaning the sentence would not be dealt with by magistrate­s, a CBA spokespers­on added.

“We say this is counterpro­ductive as many defendants opt for a crown court trial for either-way offences,” the spokespers­on said.

Mr Sidhu said: “The Government may have promised unlimited court sitting days, but there simply aren’t enough judges to sit because, as the MoJ knows full well, it can’t recruit sufficient judges who are in very large part drawn from the same diminishin­g pool of criminal barristers who also prosecute and defend and who are leaving in droves.”

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