Western Morning News (Saturday)

The Brain Teaser



1. Work the feller will have to catch up on? (7)

5. Allowed the mother of one of the parents to take the boy (7)

9. She's the first of the mothers in law I upset (5)

10. Conjure up imaginary frothings and bubblings? (3,6)

11. Figure even the French will join in (6)

12. Nearly caught one ling swimming in the enclosure! (8)

14. Wind round with great enjoyment (5)

15. How the boxer said “double O”? (3,6)

18. She came out with the poet, catching the train back (9)

20. Be good and cross when cold fish is brought round (5)

22. To put in a sturdy new frame, a while off is required (8)

24. Of course, I must have the figure entered (6)

26. Loving the present address (9)

27. Brought back a box with, on it, a girl's name (5)

28. Having put it inside, tore off the ribbon (7)

29. Do bank orders emanate from them? (7)


1. Like the jockey who'll play cricket if urged to? (3-6)

2. Are they crying out for people to come and see them? (7)

3. Fails to mention the sections missing from the book (6,3)

4. Tell you agitatedly there's a chink for the sun to come through (4)

5. Feels the heat pervading the inside provides grounds for optimism (5,5)

6. Obviously frightened and worried, he's an intern (5)

7. Figures I have got over the anxiety (7)

8. Such a beauty as others pale by comparison with? (5)

13. And when the tide's about to turn, get out of the way (5,5)

16. Lola, Ann, Ed; just about everybody (3,3,3)

17. Al, you say further, speaks about when one was young (5,4)

19. On entering, attacks the messenger boy (7)

21. The Indian boy got through the crack (7)

22. Step one is to get a light cover (5)

23. Go off about how you cook (5)

25. One horseshoe, metal, coming up (4)

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