Western Morning News

Keep Britain a land fit for common man


Like an enraged bull charging towards an open gate with its taunting matadors spiking the exit, Britain is fighting for its freedom. Two World Wars fought against tyrants out of Germany and today that dominant country seeks to shackle the EU with new tyrants. Murmurs of discontent are heard from the likes of Greece, Spain, Portugal and Italy. It was why Britain’s democratic majority chose to leave the EU.

If Britain had joined the euro and not kept to its pound our present predicamen­t would be dire; extricatin­g ourselves from Europe, much more difficult.

Recently in Sidmouth, there in the main street, was a poll-count of public opinion, being conducted by some remainers. Their placard showed a number of questions against which we were being invited to place coloured dots into the appropriat­e box “Yes” or “No“; Top of the list was the question: “Do you expect your family to be better off or worse off after Brexit?”.

Because the poll was being operated by remainers, each voter was nobbled at the outset, and the graphics seemed to show the majority of questions favouring one “remain” faction.

I chose not to vote, but instead asked a lady organiser her reasons for wishing to remain. She said she had listened to the radio that morning, to a director of a car manufactur­ing firm, who stated that jobs would be lost because his factory operated a “Just in Time” policy, for parts imported from the EU. He need only to order a week earlier I suggested. The lady became irritated. I mentioned my forebears had suffered two world wars for the sovereignt­y of Britain..

I could never vote with those remainers, willing to throw dead netted fish back into the sea at the behest of someone from who has probably never gone fishing. Remember the past struggles of keeping Britain not only as a “Land fit for heroes”, but a land fit for fishermen and the common man.

Graham Tapper


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