Western Morning News

Job losses only bad part of mine’s failure


Re William Telford’s article on Saturday, you should, I feel, point out that the loss of 200 jobs at the Wolff Minerals’s mine at Hemerdon is the only sad issue involving the demise.

The mine has devastated a large area of land, ruining the aesthetic, wildlife and solitude of the area. (You only have to drive along Wotter road to witness the destructio­n). The foremost area of disruption is the noise and vibration. House prices in Sparkwell and the surroundin­g parishes have all been affected (some actually shake) and the broken promises by Wolf on sound abatement only heralded the collapse. The night of the announceme­nt I took the dogs out at 10.45pm and the silence was awe inspiring. Birds could be heard and the deer were roaring.

As far as the shareholde­rs are concerned: the

‘financials’ were never there and it was clearly a gamble, which pre-supposes, they were wealthy enough to lose it anyway and did so.

More importantl­y, we were all informed, including Mr Streeter MP, that there is a £14m fund, securely bonded and separate from the company, which is to be used to return the mine to it’s original state should just this happen. This I believe was a requiremen­t of planning permission. Let us start tomorrow.

It is beholden on all of us to ensure the mine and the environmen­t is re-instated to again be part of glorious Devon.

Gavin Dollard


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