Western Morning News

Cornish farming family are through to national finals of prestige contest


A Cornish farming family have made it through to the final round of judging in a coveted national competitio­n.

The Bradleys, from Bradley Farm, in Hallworthy, have been named as one of the Southern regional finalists in this year’s ForFarmers Excellence in Farming Awards.

Husband and wife, Graham and Kate, along with Graham’s mother, Ann Bradley, will go head-to-head with farmers from the north of the country in the Youngstock Producer of the Year Award category.

The couple, along with their three sons Sam, Harry and Luke, milk 900 Holstein Friesian cows that average an annual yield of 9,800 litres per cow, with milk going to Dairy Crest, but their youngstock rearing is what really sets the business apart. Each year they produce around 896 calves either as replacemen­t heifers for their herd or as British Blue cross calves sold off the farm.

ForFarmers’ account manager Matt Jenkin, who nominated the family for the award, commended their attention to detail and the health of their animals. “The Bradley family are making the most of the genetic potential of the calves,” he said.

“By achieving excellent growth rates in the first 12 weeks they are improving the metabolic programmin­g of these heifers and seeing the results in the first lactation as they are healthier and more productive.”

Awards judge and ForFarmers Youngstock Specialist, Emma Moore, summarised her visit to Bradley Farm, noting that calf health and hygienic facilities were particular­ly striking.

“I was very impressed with the overall hygiene in all groups: all ages of calves look fantastic with good condition, with clean and shiny coats and good frame developmen­t,” she commented.

“Overall, this farm has very good colostrum management and early nutrition. All groups are small with limited age gaps and are kept in very clean, well maintained facilities with good ventilatio­n.

“It is clear an emphasis is placed on good calf management from birth to the first calving and it is shown in the quality of the youngstock.”

 ??  ?? From left: Ann, Sam, Harry, Kate and Graham Bradley
From left: Ann, Sam, Harry, Kate and Graham Bradley

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