Western Morning News



Stags report on October 9 a very busy day at their annual Goose Fair sheep sale. A total of 1,875 sheep were forward with most sections meeting a 100% clearance. The day started with the sale of breeding ewes, again held in the cattle sale ring, which was packed throughout. In an entry dominated by hill bred sheep prices topped at £78 for a pen of 2T Cheviot ewes from Messrs Coaker & Geen, Princetown. Older ewes sold to £77 for full mouth Cheviot cross ewes from Messrs P J& MAH earn, W hit church; with 4 T Suffolk cross ewes from M rH T Davis, Chagford, selling to £74; and full mouth White face Dartmoor cross Blue Faced Leicester from MrJW Blowey, Tavistock, selling to £73. Next up was the sale of ewe lambs which topped at £67.50 for Ma shams from Messrs D H& C Le gas sick, Sheepstor; who had other ewe lambs at £61. A total of 888 store lambs met a decent trade from start to finish with prices topping at £64.50 for a pen from M rAP Le gas sick, Tavistock, who also had other pens to £63. Other notable prices included £62.50 for Messrs B J& LL an dick, Sampford Spiney; £61.50 for Cole Brothers, Sampford Spiney; £61.00 for Mr D Little, Okehampton and £59.50 for MrGHJMedl and, Tavistock. An entry of 122 grazing ewes and rams sold to £58.50 for a pen of Cheviot crosses from M rT D Val lance, Horrabridg­e, and grazing rams sold to £103 for Messrs B J& LL an dick, Sampford Spiney. The annual sale of rams saw an entry of 197 meet an 82% clearance and topping at £400 for a 2 T North Country Cheviot from M es srsJH &J A Van stone, Tavistock. Next best was £380 for a 2T Charollais cross Suffolk from Messrs Abel Bros, Peter Tavy; who also had another similar bred ram at £360. Also at £360 was a 2T South Welsh for MrRSRobson,Bol vent or. Suffolk rams topped at £350 (three times); firstly for a 2 T from M es srsJH&JA Vanstone, Tavistock; and also for two 2 T from M es sr sWJ&DM Jordan, Chagford. Older rams sold to £340 for a 4T Welsh from Messrs Abel Bros, Peter Tavy.

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