Western Morning News

The Brain Teaser



1. Unhappy when given an inferior role? (8) 5. Fasts, but they eat insects (6) 9. Makes the facade look better when the material is not bad (8) 10. Flying carpenter? (6) 12. At jail, the beast gets very little to eat (6) 13. Orders a chap to get himself some girlfriend­s (8) 15. Not water-music! (8,4) 18. Words much used by the boxing commentato­r – or the dressmaker (5,3,4) 23. They grow food to give to insects (8) 24. Are pouring out a drink in Canada (6) 26. One gets up while they're in bed (6) 27. Various things need watering in summer because it does (8) 28. They're secretive, but probing may yield facts about them (6) 29. Like the tennis tournament sponsored by the raisin company? (8)


1. Not beating about the bush, tell you where to go (6) 2. Cleaning the hair-pin in it (6) 3. It's not the driver who's so brisk and cheerful (7) 4. Position one, in the outset (4) 6. Did glow strangely, disappeari­ng when approached (4-3) 7. Work for the official party (8) 8. Definite indication to us to back “Wandering Singer” (4,4) 11. Inside, sticks in the teeth (7) 14. For the girl to take a tiny cut would be sheer foolishnes­s (7) 16. Punishment for stealing? (8) 17. Doctor, there's a snail crawling on the picture (4,4) 19. What Neptune's gardener is pulling up? (7) 20. Stopped me going in to have it altered (7) 21. Guess the two little girls will get half of mine (6) 22. Gathers there are lots and lots (6) 25. A quarter, only, come up by train (4)

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No. 8,504

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