Western Morning News

The Brain Teaser No. 8,653


1. Have to do with the fish left outside (6)

4. Less mobile taking a blow in the fights (8) 10. Cover the preliminar­y event the female is covering (7)

11. A word not in general defined by the dictionary (7)

12. Good gracious! Half of that is sheer fiction! (4)

13. With which the driver, perhaps, signals a warning? (10)

16. Excited, stick around to take advantage of it (6)

17. The broken war-club is brought out with the knife (7)

20. Hand, also, over when you leave (7)

21. Until nine, will wander about and chant (6) 24. Talked about the forecast and was boring (10)

25. Is good enough for the rabbits (4)

27. Cut one of the snooker balls, having miscued (7)

29. That joker the kids are pulling at? (7)

30. Tear out, convinced it's of great worth (8) 31. Tight and inside out (6)


1. Smear spread when the man went round with her (8)

2. For many, a first-class desensitis­er (5,6) 3. Turned Ted away from the table (4) 5. Be responsibl­e for the route taken, or road (8)

6. Transport the dealer provided you with? (4-2-4)

7. Cor! He'll be put in the shade! (3)

8. Wages, the year before, unfortunat­ely, having risen (6)

9. Or turn the bird round and it becomes another bird (5) 14. Tackle seriously when you travel by, as a commuter (3,2,4,2)

15. Making a finer score when one gives added support (10)

18. Pass, also, over “The Queen Elizabeth”, as a vessel (8)

19. Meted a certain drink out (8)

22. Carry it off with verve and elan (6) 23. Vegetable, a little chicken and fruit (5)

26. As a model, wear well (4)

28. Owing to the compositio­n not having been completed (3)


ACROSS: 1 Dressed; 5 Glances; 9 Rebut; 10 Promising; 11 Carrie; 12 Ringlets; 14 Ensue; 15 Oppresses; 18 Pot-boiler; 20 Taper; 22 Stumping; 24 Gallon; 26 Distemper; 27 Chase; 28 Dudgeon; 29 Dissent.

DOWN: 1 Dirt-cheap; 2 Embarks; 3 Set fire to; 4 Dope; 5 Good in part; 6 Aping; 7 Chisels; 8 Sighs; 13 Rolling-pin; 16 Entrances; 17 Stringent; 19 Trussed; 21 Pillage; 22 Sided; 23 Piece; 25 Fred.

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