Western Morning News



What is changing in England from today?

From April 12 non-essential shops, hairdresse­rs, nail salons, libraries and community centres and outdoor hospitalit­y venues such as beer gardens will be allowed to reopen across England. Most outdoor attraction­s such as zoos and theme parks can reopen, although wider social distancing rules will still apply to prevent indoor mixing between different households. Indoor leisure facilities such as gyms and swimming pools will also be opened, but for use by people on their own or in household groups. Overnight stays away from home in England will be permitted and self-contained accommodat­ion can also reopen, but these must only be used by members of the same household or support bubble. Are any other restrictio­ns easing?

Care home residents will also be allowed a second regular indoor visitor with infants and children not counted as one of the two. Funerals can continue with up to 30 people, and the numbers able to attend weddings, receptions and commemorat­ive events such as wakes will rise from six to 15. Parent and child groups of up to 15 people, not counting children aged under five years old, can restart indoors.

Will some restrictio­ns remain in place?

There are still a fair number of restrictio­ns, most notably that people are still not allowed to socialise indoors outside their households or support bubbles. Outdoor gatherings must still be limited to six people or two households. People should minimise domestic travel and internatio­nal holidays are still illegal.

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