Western Morning News

So many things for us to be thankful for


IN these difficult days of the pandemic it’s often difficult to find things to be thankful for.

If you have lost loved ones or been affected physically or mentally it may seem there’s not a lot to be thankful for.

However, I just wanted to share the things I am grateful for – the things living in lockdown has made me thankful for.

I am grateful for my family and friends, for my faith that has helped me through the many bleak days.

For my grandsons’ laughter, my daughters’ caring and support.

The wonderful NHS that has provided my medication and care and also looked after my uncle when he caught Covid in hospital.

To the nurses who cared for him until he died, as no one could visit him. That I live in a country where people are willing to put their lives on the line daily and die for others.

That the flowers in spring just appear, that we still have food, clothing and peace. For people who care and have provided bread, meals, friendship and care.

To the ones who can’t or don’t feel thankful due to illness, loneliness, divorce or many other problems, please reach out – there are people out there willing to help. You are not on your own.

The pandemic has really tested us all to the limits and many haven’t survived in different ways.

I also know when we’re at our lowest it’s difficult to see the good in anything, but please look around you, see the sky, a smile, a child laughing, nature, animals and try to think things can change, and for all these things I am thankful.Julie

Bury by email

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