Western Morning News

Shame on those who trashed lovely beach


HOW sad to read about the rubbish abandoned on Weston-super-Mare beach recently.

How unpleasant for volunteers and anyone else who saw the state of the beach. Burying used nappies in the sand and abandoning face masks on the beach is the pits of behaviour.

I would ask all those who chose to create this situation some questions. If, at home, you change a baby’s nappy, do you bury it in your garden?

Do you litter your lawn and garden with cans, sandwich wrappers, crisp packets and wet wipes?

How sterile are the face masks and wet wipes you abandoned or walked over?

How far did you look for a bin and did you collect some of your rubbish together, or just spread it around? Why blame the shortage of bins? At least there are bins, and used properly they would probably be enough if everyone took their rubbish home. The council cleans the beach every day and yet, and yet, you still desecrate a beautiful public, shared space. Shame on you!

Come on, be fair to all. We are all responsibl­e for our own behaviour and I find the report damning.

How many of your children might have wanted to clear or help pack up?

How many of your children may have touched any or all of the rubbish on the beach?

What germs might they carry? If you can pack sandwiches, crisps, biscuits, cakes and drinks to take with you, why can’t you take it all home when empty? Is that so much to ask?

Think on these things. We share this world and we should all do our part in keeping it as we would like to find it! By all means enjoy the beach but think of it when you go home, hopefully with all of your rubbish!

Jean Kittyhawk Bristol

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