Western Morning News

Check-up at dentist led to discovery of cancer

- WMN REPORTER wmnnewsdes­k@reachplc.com

AMAN who discovered a malignant lump under his jaw as part of a routine dental appointmen­t is encouragin­g others to check for signs themselves, as part of Mouth Cancer Action Month.

John Sanders was called up for a routine dental check-up with the University of Plymouth’s Peninsula Dental School during lockdown.

Jasleen Batra (pictured below right) a fifth-year student who is now a qualified dentist, examined him, and ran her fingers from his chin along his jaw line. She found his lymph gland was swollen and very hard, which, following her referral to Derriford Hospital, was discovered to be cancer, originatin­g from the tonsils.

John credits Jasleen with saving his life, and says the outcome could have been different if it had not been for her profession­alism. He is now encouragin­g people to check for signs themselves and speak to their dentist, dental team member or GP if they have concerns.

John said: “I hadn’t been in pain at all, but Jasleen found a hard lump under my jaw, which I then felt with my hand. She calmly explained the need for an urgent referral and, less than two weeks later, I went for an examinatio­n and then a biopsy. The consultant informed me that I had malignant and aggressive cancer of the tonsils that had spread to the lymph gland and surroundin­gs.

“I underwent surgery to have as much of the cancer as possible removed and the surgeon told me that the cancerous lymph gland had grown by 12 millimetre­s in just ten days between my appointmen­ts, so it was very fortunate and of great importance to my future health that Jasleen discovered it when she did.

“It was luck that I had an appointmen­t, and I wish I had known about checking myself. It’s really important that we all know how to do it and speak to a profession­al, if we have concerns.”

Jasleen said: “Oral cancer screenings are essential and are now routine every time you see a dentist. However, checking at home is so simple and should be promoted more.

“Having a good look around your mouth, including your lips, cheek, tongue, under your tongue, the back of your throat and the top of your mouth with a mirror takes less than a minute a day, but means you would catch any changes early before they become more serious.

“I am so glad Mr Sanders came to see me when he did. I was just doing my job and what the staff at Peninsula Dental School have taught me over the years. I hope his story creates awareness that may save lives.” Mouth Cancer Action Month runs throughout November, and the Peninsula Dental School is promoting selfscreen­ing.

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 ?? ?? > John Sanders was called up for a routine dental check-up with the University of Plymouth’s Peninsula Dental School during lockdown, and found to have mouth cancer
> John Sanders was called up for a routine dental check-up with the University of Plymouth’s Peninsula Dental School during lockdown, and found to have mouth cancer

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