Western Morning News

Children are always our best investment


THE UK Government has enacted an economic policy to punish Russia, which also drives another million Britons into poverty, although a windfall tax on energy corporatio­ns, oil, gas, electricit­y, could have shielded some.

That remedy, an effort to separate desperate British citizens from Russians, was scornfully rejected by our Prime Minister.

The basic problem is that the media have no intention to explain economics to the adult population, lest they are perceived as critical of British business, and teenage schoolchil­dren are never taught an intellectu­al understand­ing of economics. Present adult voters cannot see that, if a vast amount of money is removed from one section of the population, it is dishonest not to explain what must be the consequenc­es to the nation, if those billions are now in the possession of a completely different section of the British nation, which has totally opposite motivation and intentions.

The money does not cease to exist: it is used for completely contrary purposes within society, which can be predicted, if you understand a) economics, and b) Conservati­sm.

The effects are comparable when the media inform us, with a gay laugh, that Richard Branson has spent a few million on a trip into space, in a nation whose Tory Government, for 14 years, through deliberate ‘austerity’, has never had any intention to feed all children adequately, as an economic target. Food banks are the best hope for children in a Tory world.

Conservati­ve voters never learned deep shame of their supine worship of the rich and celebritie­s, the most wasteful possible investment of the resources of any nation. Such voters reveal worse than a weak understand­ing, a vicious dispositio­n.

Children, in logic, must always be the best investment.

C N Westerman Brynna, Mid-Glamorgan

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