Western Morning News

Russia must pay to rebuild Ukraine


WITH what Putin has done and still committing terrible war crimes in Ukraine, Russia must be removed from the UN Security Council immediatel­y. Even our government is calling for this to be done when this terrible unfair war is over, which we all hope will be sooner rather than later and no more lives lost.

I agree with Boris Johnson: “We must help Ukraine against atrocities”.

Until Putin is removed from office, no government/country must lift sanctions until Ukraine has been rebuilt, which should be paid for by Russia. It does make one wonder – whoever rules Russia in the future, can they be trusted ever again?

On another subject, I agree with C H White: “Will Smith should have been floored”. It should have been Chris Rock who apologised to Will Smith and his wife for making such a cruel and insensitiv­e comment, supposably meant to be joke.

Apparently this was the second time he has made a “joke” about

Will Smith’s wife. I don’t blame Will Smith for hitting Chris Rock and he did apologise afterwards, but he and his wife should have both

walked out of the room. I know the American sense of humour is not the same as ours, but in this case Chris Rock went too far. How would he have felt if it had been a member of his family? It is time the organisers of the Academy Awards ceremony removed Chris Rock from their books. He is a disgrace to his profession.

Also, I agree that the Queen had a right to have Prince Andrew by her side at Prince Philip’s memorial Service at Westminste­r Abbey, as it was a family affair. But it was very sad that Prince Harry wasn’t there, for whatever reason.

Helen Capel Winscombe, Somerset

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