What Hi-Fi (UK)

Final F7200



Final Audio makes some bizarre earphones, a lot of which aren’t really made for western ears. As £400 in-ears that appear to be made of miniaturis­ed bits of plumber’s pipework, the F7200s don’t exactly hurtle into the mainstream. But they don’t half sound good.

These are among the smallest high-end pairs in the world. They use just a single balanced armature driver. If you don’t like an invasive fit you may not get on well with the F7200s, but we had no issues with fit, comfort or stability. The section housing the driver separates from the cable using an MMCX connector, and the ’phones come with ear hooks that trail the cable over your ears to dull any cable-on-clothing rustle.

Single-minded purpose

The F7200s have no remote-control housing, a clue that they care really only about sound quality. This focus pays off, because these earphones deliver exceptiona­l detail across the entire frequency range, with beautifull­y clean treble and mids integratin­g seamlessly to give the pair a reference-like quality. Vocals sound superb, the F7200s able to bring out fine midrange texture like few others.

The scale of the sound is modest though, and grand orchestral arrangemen­ts lack the power of the best high-end multi-driver earphones, coming across a little polite and reserved. Some might be left wishing for more bass power too. The low-end is taut, but these are not ear-rocking party types.

We don’t love all of Final Audio’s headphones, but the F7200s are impressive, offering stunning detail and clarity. If you’re looking to dig deep into the tiniest crevices of highqualit­y recordings, these need to be on your audition list.

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