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A dream come true!

Meet the first parents in Britain who are both transgende­r…


Becoming parents can sometimes be a complicate­d process, but for Jake and Hannah Graf, from south London, it’s been a real roller coaster.

The couple, who married in 2018, are both transgende­r.

Jake transition­ed in 2008, while Hannah, then a captain in the British Army, came out as transgende­r in 2013.

They always wanted children and Jake had his eggs harvested and fertilised via a sperm donor before fully transition­ing.

Ups and downs

‘I wanted to be a parent since I was about 20,’ says Jake. ‘I grew up knowing I was different and never feeling I’d ever find love or anyone who’d have a baby with me – or if it would even be possible.’

This documentar­y follows the couple’s extraordin­ary year-long journey to parenthood, beginning with their search for their surrogate, a mum-of-two from Belfast, the ups and downs of tests and scans and Hannah’s

worries about not having a genetic link to their unborn child.

Then, in March this year, three weeks before their baby’s due date, Britain was about to lock down, so the couple dashed to Belfast.

Surge of love

‘The whole thing was a whirlwind,’ says Jake. ‘We ended up away from all our family and friends for three weeks awaiting this moment.’

Baby Millie finally arrived on 14 April by C-section. Although Jake and Hannah weren’t present because of coronaviru­s, they’ve now brought Millie home and are amazed they’re now parents.

‘When I held Millie for the first time, I felt such a surge of love.

I’m completely and utterly her mother,’ says Hannah. ‘I hope we’re an example to other trans people to look to and say, “These things are possible.”’

 ??  ?? Special… Millie was carried by a surrogate
Modern family…
Jake, Hannah and baby Millie
Special… Millie was carried by a surrogate Modern family… Jake, Hannah and baby Millie
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