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‘‘ I got my hearing back, thanks to this device!’’

Charlie lost all of his confidence until he discovered the MICRO Infini-ear.


CHARLIE had enjoyed a long career as a postman. He loved staying active, getting out and about and meeting people. And he loved nothing more than spending time with his grandchild­ren.

He first became aware of his hearing problems just before he retired. “The problem had been niggling me for a while. My wife Margaret was always telling me to turn down the TV, but on normal volume I struggled to hear a word.”

Charlie couldn’t face a bulky hearing aid

Using a mobile phone had also become a problem. “My whole family used to take the mick, saying I was always shouting”

“I tried to ignore the problem for a long time but Margaret kept pestering me to do something about it, but there was no way on earth I was going to wear one of those bulky hearing aids.”

“Then one day at a family BBQ, my youngest grandson sat on my knee and shouted “Grandad, Dad says you’ve gone deaf and I have to shout when I talk to you.” I laughed it off, but I realised how bad the problem was. Later that evening Margaret showed me an advert for MICRO Infiniear, and she asked me to give it a try, after all it didn’t cost a lot and they offered a 3-month risk free trial.”

“I gave in, I knew I had to do something. The device looked very small in the ad, but I was a bit sceptical.”

“When it arrived I could not believe how tiny it was – technology has moved on from those old-fashioned bulky things! The minute I put it in, it was incredible, every sound became so much louder and crystal clear.”

“The MICRO Infini-ear is so comfortabl­e I could hardly feel it. And looking in the mirror at different angles it was hardly noticeable. I wore it for a few hours at home each day the first week, just to get used to it. The biggest difference I noticed was the TV volume, instead of level 32, I could now hear perfectly well at level 18. Margaret was dancing around the living room when I told her.”

“The device is brilliant!”

“The second week I wore it all day and even out with the lads, on Friday night. I felt like my old self again, no longer pretending that I’d heard what they said, or asking ‘what was that?’ all the time.”

“I’d been a right idiot for ignoring the problem for so long. This device is brilliant, it’s given me back my confidence, I no longer feel left out. The crazy thing is, it’s so cheap, I got my hearing back all for less than £40!”

The Micro Infini-ear hearing device is only available from UK Direct Shop, to order freephone 0808 156


“I was in denial that I was losing my hearing and too embarrasse­d to wear a hearing

device until I discovered the tiny MICRO


Charlie Butterwort­h

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