Who Do You Think You Are?



Register or log on Search for someone you know

&OLFN RQ WKH μ¿QG VRPHRQH WR FRPPHPRUDW­H¶ EXWWRQ DQG HQWHU the details of the person you want to remember. Fill in their name, surname, regiment – and, if you know it, their cemetery, rank and service number.

Commemorat­e someone else

Even if you don’t know anyone who lost their life, you can still remember a fallen soldier. You could search for someone on a ORFDO ZDU PHPRULDO RU ¿QG VRPHRQH ZKR VKDUHV \RXU ELUWKGD\ or even your name.

Place a poppy

Drag a poppy onto the interactiv­e map to mark where your hero died, where they came from, or another meaningful place.

Share a story

Write a dedication to the person you want to commemorat­e, or select a pre-worded one. You can also add stories and photograph­s to tell the world about their life and contribute to a future archive.


Make a donation in memory of your chosen hero and you’ll UHFHLYH D VSHFLDO FRPPHPRUDW­LYH FHUWL¿FDWH

Spread the word

Start conversati­ons about the campaign and encourage library groups, local genealogy societies or schools to get involved.

Top tip!

If your search for a named hero doesn’t turn up any results, try VHDUFKLQJ ZLWKRXW D ¿UVW QDPH ,Q WKH HDUO\ V PHQ RIWHQ XVHG WKHLU PLGGOH QDPHV HVSHFLDOO\ LI WKHLU ¿UVW QDPH ZDV WKH same as their father’s – so great Uncle Charlie may actually have been William Charles.

Explore the site

7KURXJKRXW WKH VLWH \RX¶OO ¿QG H[WUDRUGLQDU\ UHDO OLIH VWRULHV RI bravery, love, sadness and remembranc­e - ordinary men and ZRPHQ ZKR VLJQHG XS WR ¿JKW IRU WKHLU FRXQWU\ DQG IXWXUH generation­s. You’ll also be able to search for family connection­s or details of loved ones who played their part in the First World War.

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