Wishaw Press

Council tax freeze was decided before Xmas


North Lanarkshir­e Council’s leadership decided against further rises to the council tax back in December – as those in higher bands prepare to pay more.

In November, MSPs voted to increase the top four bands of council tax and Finance Secretary Derek Mackay said the changes were“the first step in a journey of reform”.

This means that from April 1, 27,000 homes in North Lanarkshir­e Council in Bands E to H will pay from £100 to almost £500 per year extra. However, at this week’s budget, the council revealed they will not increase the council tax for all other properties.

Council leader Jim Logue said: “Initially the view within the Labour group was that we should increase council tax by three per cent but the turning point was the council tax multiplier (decided by the Scottish Government) which will cause a lot of distress when the envelopes go through the letterboxe­s.

“27,000 houses are going to be affected in North Lanarkshir­e alone. To put on an extra three per cent would be disgracefu­l. I asked the Scottish Government for a fair deal for councils and we clearly didn’t get that.

“However, I have said in the past that I’m determined we do all we can to avoid passing on Scottish Government budget cuts to our residents and we have managed to achieve that.

“Derek Mackay wanted all the local authoritie­s to look at a three per cent increase and then he could say‘It wasn’t us’.

“I want no part of a situation that would see some families getting a 27 per cent rise in their council tax.”

However, Wishaw councillor Jim Hume, the SNP’s finance spokesman, attacked the Labour administra­tion.

He said:“It’s very interestin­g that the Labour group have decided against raising the council tax after asking for it for years. Anyone would think there is an election coming up!”

I’m determined we do all we can to avoid passing on Scottish Government budget cuts

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