Wishaw Press

Bridge work step too far as Sandra’s shop closes

Baby firm and vet’s surgery will move into town

- Gary Fanning

Calls have been made for a new town centre in Shotts after another business is set to shut down because of the bridge closure in the Dykehead area of the town .

Sandra’s Selections will shut for good on Friday, March 24.

And owner Sandra Paterson has blamed the bridge closure for 11 months in Station Road for killing trade in the area.

The bridge is closed so that Network Rail can continue their £5.7m project electrify the Glasgow to Edinburgh.

Sandra told the Wishaw Press: “The bridge closure has killed business.

“People are now going outside Shotts to get their essentials instead of using what they have on their doorstep.”

“Since the bridge closed tradce has been slow and quiet.

“I made the decision to close as I can’t afford to pay my overheads and buy stock. “I am actually paying bills with my own money. “Sitting for a full day and I am lucky if £10 is made in a day.

“People using the shop would have been a major help.”

And it follows on from Clarks bakery that closed in November because of the downturn in trade since the bridge closure.

But as Sandra’s Selections is closing a baby clothes and acessories shop is opening in Kirk Road and a vet’s surgery will move into the former Clark’s bakers.

Councillor Tommy Cochrane said: “There is no doubt the bridge closure is partially responsibl­e but there are another two shops opening up in the area.

“That shows there is confidence or they wouldn’t be opening for business.”

The Wishaw Press successful­ly campaigned for Town Status for Shotts in 2015.

Now councillor Cochrane is campaignin­g for a new town centre in the heart of the town once the bridge re-opens.

He said: “We need a modern town centre and I have spoken to the council’s chief executive about that.

“We need somewhere in the centre that is convenient for everyone in the town to access where people can park their cars, have some food, going shopping and return to their cars to get them home.

“The old shopping of rows and rows of shops in the 1970s is no longer.

“That’s why I campaigned along with the Wishaw Press for town status for Shotts.

“Now we need to campaign for a modern town centre that is easily accesible for everyone. “And it is not just about shops. “We need a community hub containing lesiure centre, First Stop Shop, police office and health centre all in the one building. That would cut down costs and make everything accessible in the one place. It is vital that we get that starting once the bridge re-opens.”

Sitting for a full day and I am lucky if £10 is made in a day. I am actually paying bills with my own money . . .

 ??  ?? Doomed The owner of Sandra’s Selections
Doomed The owner of Sandra’s Selections

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