Wishaw Press

‘Joke’ sentence


The sentence of a man who attacked two paramedics trying to save his life in Wishaw has been labelled“a joke”.

John Dorey was handed a 12-month supervisio­n order at Hamilton Sheriff Court but escaped further punishment despite punching and kicking the ambulance crew at his home in Craigneuk.

Dorey also claimed he would murder police officers and blow them up while he was in Motherwell Police Office.

The sentence, passed down by Sheriff Marie Smart, was slammed by one Scottish Ambulance Service source.

“It’s a joke,”the source said.

“Ambulance crews are there to help people and are treated like this.

“The paramedics were trying to do their job and instead were punched and kicked.

“I would love to see what the public’s reaction to this is.”

The medics had to wake Mr Dorey when they arrived at his house and, before they could find out what was wrong with him, he turned violent.

He lashed out at them and yelled abuse, forcing the pair to call the police for help.

The court heard that police arrived to find the paramedics had managed to pin down 45-year-old Dorey on the floor.

Dorey continued to hurl abuse in the A&E department at University Hospital Wishaw.

He spat at police officers, narrowly missing them, and refused treatment.

He was then taken to a police station where he continued to struggle as he was being put in a cell, screaming:“I’ll murder you.

“I hope your family die. I’ll blow you all up.”

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