Wishaw Press

Info.. Info.. Info

An organ heads for transplant


Did you know that there are currently 558 people in Scotland waiting for an organ transplant – and that’s where you come in.

One organ donor can change the lives of up to seven people?

Being able to donate organs to help people who desperatel­y need transplant­s is one of the great advances of modern medicine.

While almost 2.5 million people (46 per cent of the population) have joined the Organ Donor Register, this doesn’t mean everyone who is on it becomes an organ donor. Only one per cent of all deaths in Scotland happen in circumstan­ces where the person is actually able to donate their organs and tissue.

While that one per cent can go on to become organ and tissue donors and save the lives of up to seven people, clearly we need more people on the register.

This is why it is so important that as many of the one per cent go on to become organ and/or tissue donors.

Organ donation happens at a very emotional time.

When a family have lost someone, it is much easier if the deceased had told their relatives of their decision to join the register.

Your family are twice as likely to say‘Yes’to donating your organs and tissue if they know it’s what you would have wanted.

So, if you are one of the nine out of 10 people who agree with organ donation, it is important you take two simple steps.

1. Register your decision to be an organ donor at www. organdonat­ion scotland.org/yes or call 0300 123 2323

2. Share your decision with your family.

You can have your organ donation wishes recorded on the Register irrespecti­ve of your age, sexuality, body shape, religion or health.

In Scotland, we are heading towards an opt-out system for organ and tissue donation.

But it is likely to be several years before that comes into force.

Even then, the simplest way people can indicate their desire to become a donor is by joining the Register, so it’s really important that people join now.

So if you support organ and tissue donation and have not joined the Register, please join today at www.organ donationsc­otland.org.

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