Wishaw Press

Fire crews praised for work during club blaze


Wishaw Juniors manager Kieran McGuinness has praised Scottish Fire and Rescue for saving part of The Beltane clubhouse – with his brother among the first on the scene.

Kieran, who is also a firefighte­r, has revealed that his brother and the Motherwell Fire and Rescue Division managed to save the top floor of the building.

Following the huge fundraiser, which has brought in £3500 so far thanks to kind donations from the likes of Scotland star Robert Snodgrass, McGuinness expects them to be able to get back to where they started.

The committee at the Juniors were optimistic access could be granted to the top floor of the building by the game on Saturday.

“The guys did a really great job to be on the scene quickly. and my brother was part of that team,” McGuinness said.

“We are really fortunate as a club that they were there so quickly, as it has meant that a lot of the top floor has been saved.

“They were able to get into the ground and moved swiftly so we are really grateful for that. If they had taken any longer, or the alarm wasn’t raised, we would have lost even more than we already have.”

He added: “The money should get this up to where it was with the club house.”

Committee member Wilson

Paterson added: “We have been in over the past few days to empty the old flooring.

“We have been very lucky to have such a great response, and a builder who is offering to come in for a couple of hours a night after his work. We have actually surprised ourselves with how quickly everything has got moving again.”

 ??  ?? Rebuild begins
Wishaw Juniors manager Kieran McGuinness
Rebuild begins Wishaw Juniors manager Kieran McGuinness

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