Wishaw Press

Mum is the rock our family relies on


A Craigneuk mum has been praised for constantly putting her family before herself.

Lynn Rooney is the rock that holds her family together according to grateful daughter Derry.

And 21-year-old Derry decided to nominate her mum for our Say it with Flowers competitio­n to thank her for everything she has done.

Explaining why she nominated her mum, Derry said: “Her whole life ain’t been the best and this is why I’d like to nominate her.

“She has had to deal with so much in our family.

“She always takes the stress on when anything goes wrong.

“I saw a lot of people I knew had been nominated and I thought that my mum definitely deserved to be recognised.

“My mum’s the type of person that doesn’t ask for anything in return and I thought it would be nice to treat her for a change and give her something to show that we all care about her and we all love her. “It’s a lovely wee present for her.” Among the things that Derry, along with younger sister Leia, thanked her mum for included helping her through her difficult pregnancy and looking after her five-monthold baby boy Billy.

Lynn has also had to deal with the sudden death of her sister Lesley five years ago but Derry believes her mum’s strength of character got many other people through the tragedy.

Derry added: “Mum has to do so much for all of us.

She helps my Nan day in and out and also helped me through my pregnancy with Billy.

“My pregnancy wasn’t the best but she helped me the whole way.

“When her sister passed away I don’t think the family have got over it.

“Mum has never been able to accept the fact but has pulled together for her family.

“We can’t thank her enough for being the rock of the family.”

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