Wishaw Press

Tributes to lives lost over the year


Trade unionists from across Lanarkshir­e joined a minute’s silence, rememberin­g workers who lost their lives over the past year.

Wishaw councillor Angela Feeney was one of the speakers at North Lanarkshir­eTrades Council’s, Internatio­nalWorkers’Memorial Day (IWMD) event.

Councillor Feeney, an NHS worker as well as an independen­t representa­tive for the CentralWis­haw ward, is a member of the UNISON union.

Commemorat­ed throughout the world, the memorial day remembers those who have lost their lives at work, or from work-related injury and diseases.

Internatio­nalWorkers Memorial Day is officially recognised by the UK Government. More people are killed at work than in wars.

Taking place on April 28 each year, the 2021 Lanarkshir­e event went ahead online, with COVID-19 restrictio­ns still in place.

Councillor Feeney spoke poignantly about the past year, and the heavy death toll on NHS and care workers who died with COVID.

David Hainey from rail and transport workers’ union RMT was also a speaker.

Heapplaude­dtheworktr­adeunionsh­addone in the past year in calling for better PPE for workers.

North Lanarkshir­e Council’s Provost Jean Jones laid awreathatS­ummerleeMu­seuminCoat­bridge marking the day in tribute to workers who have lost their lives.

UNISON Lanarkshir­e Health Branch also organised a small memorial event at Kirklands Hospital in Bothwellto­markIWMD.

NHS Lanarkshir­e Chief Executive, Heather Knox and Chair of the Board, Neena Mahal were both in attendance.

Tragically, more than 850 health and social care workers lost their lives in the past year due to the pandemic.

 ??  ?? In thoughts Neena Mahal, NHS Lanarkshir­e Chair (left), Margo Cranmer (centre), and Healther Knox NHSL Chief Executive at the Internatio­nal Workers’Memorial Day event at Kirklands Hospital, Bothwell
In thoughts Neena Mahal, NHS Lanarkshir­e Chair (left), Margo Cranmer (centre), and Healther Knox NHSL Chief Executive at the Internatio­nal Workers’Memorial Day event at Kirklands Hospital, Bothwell
 ??  ?? In memory Provost Jean Jones at Summerlee Museum
In memory Provost Jean Jones at Summerlee Museum

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