Wishaw Press

Man cleared of attack at pub in Wishaw


A dad-of-six has been cleared of attacking a barman outside aWishaw pub.

Alexander Montgomery said he raced to Ross’s Bar in Stewarton Street after hearing his wife had been assaulted there.

He admitted punching the barman twice during a confrontat­ion at the door.

Hamilton Sheriff Court heard that the barman suffered cuts and bruising as well as a suspected broken cheekbone.

Mr Montgomery, 38, of Branchalfi­eld Drive,Wishaw, was accused of assault to severe injury on January 19 last year.

But the jury returned a not proven verdict after a two-day trial.

The self-employed bricklayer said he was asleep in bed after midnight when his wife’s sister phoned.

She told him his partner had been assaulted in Ross’s. Giving evidence, Mr Montgomery said he drove into the town centre and found his wife in some distress. Her face was“burst”.

Mr Montgomery told his lawyer, Eddie Robertson, the pub was closed and he banged on the door.

The barman, flanked by two other individual­s, eventually came out and denied that there had been trouble inside.

Mr Montgomery said the victim told him:“You’re the one who’s getting done.”

The accused added:“People were coming towards me. I thought I was going to get jumped.

“I punched him twice on the face because I thought he was going to hit me.

“It was just a reaction – I didn’t plan anything – but I should have walked away from it.”

The barman admitted he was drunk after sinking 14 pints at the end of his shift, but denied clenching his fist and acting aggressive­ly towards Mr Montgomery.

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