Wishaw Press



Dear Editor,

Are the people of North Lanarkshir­e aware that the biggest employer in their area, North Lanarkshir­e Council, have just published £5.7billion, 25 year, Enterprise Strategic Commercial Partnershi­p (ESCP) contract which will effectivel­y privatise council services?

This will include the mass transfer of hundreds of council staff over to the private sector, and also the possibilit­y of many redundanci­es?

North Lanarkshir­e taxpayers will end up paying much more for a poorer service and their money will be drained out of Lanarkshir­e and into the coffers of faceless multi-national contractor­s and their financiers.

Name and address supplied

Dear Editor,

Mental Health Awareness Week is taking place from Monday, May 10, and I am writing to encourage your readers to take part and get involved.

This Mental Health Awareness

Week we are inviting everyone to #ConnectWit­hNature to support their mental health.

Spending quality time in and around nature can help reduce stress and help increase feelings of positivity, and you don’t have to be surrounded by fields or have to take a walk in the wilderness to feel the benefits.

Try to stop and appreciate those little bits of nature around you that you may not have noticed before – a houseplant, the flowers in a neighbour’s window, or the sound of birdsong.

The Mental Health Foundation, which works to prevent mental health problems and has organised this awareness week for the past 21 years, encourage you to recognise and grow your connection with nature by sharing a photo, video or sound recording with your family and friends, and on your social media.

Connecting with nature can really make a difference to your mental health, and now more than ever, it is time to look after yours.

Julie Walters

Many commentato­rs feel the COVID pandemic will be the final nail in the coffin for the High Street. But a new business is determined to buck the trend and make a success of in the town and with the easing of restrictio­ns last week, Kobella Pets opened its doors for the first time.

A new pet shop, a new candle shop and a new bakers shop.

This is another great story so let’s support our high street.

They need us now as never before.

Shoppers should come back to Wishaw, it’s a great wee town so let’s not lose it.

Bob Burgess

Congratula­tions. Wishing you the best of luck with your endeavour.

I will pop in in the next week or so.

B Jane Lambie

Good luck! So glad you’re giving it a go and trying to make our Main Street a fresh lease of life.

Gaynor Callan

Great news! Wishing you the best of luck.

Ailsa Glassford

A Wishaw family have managed to get their much loved mum back home after she passed away while mourning the death of her son in London. May Connor had travelled south on February 28 to help support four of her grandchild­ren after the sudden death of her 54-yearold son, Kevin.

Glad she’s back home.

Thinking of the family at this heartbreak­ing time.

God bless you all.

Karen Johnston

Glad she’s home. Terri McCloy

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