Wishaw Press

Man remanded after knife threats to police


A Craigneuk man threatened police officers with knives just five days after being freed from prison.

Mark Langford had been jailed for 17 months for spitting and warning he would kill officers’children and burn down Motherwell police station.

He was released early on April 1 but soon had another confrontat­ion with the law.

Langford, 28, appeared from custody by videolink at Hamilton Sheriff Court this week.

He admitted threatenin­g or abusive behaviour at his dad’s home in Laurel Drive on April 6 while on bail.

The court heard Langford was being noisy and caused his dad to get out of bed in the early hours.

He was seen to grab a small kitchen knife and draw it across his own cheek, causing a small cut.

Jennifer McCabe, prosecutin­g, stated: “His father locked himself in his bedroom and called the police.

“The accused then picked up two larger knives from the kitchen, went into the garden and shouted‘See what the police will get when they come here’.

“Officers arrived and saw Langford armed with the knives. He began to gesture towards the police vehicles.

“He was instructed to drop the knives and after several minutes he did so.”

Defence agent Stephen MacBride stressed there had been a single uttered threat and ultimately his client cooperated with the police.

Mr MacBride told the court:“He had been told that, on his release from prison, social workers would try to find him accommodat­ion.

“Unfortunat­ely, there was no social work involvemen­t and it was left to his father to help him to the best of his ability.

“My client has been struggling with his mental health.”

Sheriff Alasdair MacFadyen described Langford’s behaviour as“bizarre”and expressed concern that it had occurred so soon after his release.

Sentence was deferred until next month for background reports.

Langford, who has been in prison since his arrest, was again remanded in custody.

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