Wishaw Press

Man beaten after being chased in town centre


Amanwascha­sedthrough Motherwell town centre before being attacked in broad daylight.

Matthew McCreadie, 23, of OakfieldTo­wer, and Andrew Fisher, 27, of Airth Court, both Motherwell, appeared at Hamilton Sheriff Court this week.

They admitted chasing their 25-year-old victim and punching and kicking him repeatedly in BrandonPar­adeSouthon­August 8, 2019.

An allegation that they robbed the victim of his phone was dropped.

Jennifer Cunningham, prosecutin­g, said the attack happenedas­themanwas makinghisw­aythrought­hetown centre in the late afternoon.

Hebecameaw­areof McCreadie, who he didn’t recognise, following him and shouting at him.

Ms Cunningham told the court: “Fearing for his safety, the victim threw a punch at McCreadie.

“Then he realised Fisher was also following him and both men were shouting at him.The victim asked two men sitting on a bench for help before both accused approached and McCreadie punched him on the face.

“Both accused then punched andkickedh­imonthehea­dand body.The man fell and they continued to assault him.

“Thenhemana­gedtogetup and made off.”

The victim escaped with minor cuts and bruises.

McCreadie and Fisher were traced after police viewed CCTV images.

Defence agent Gerry McGuire disputed the claim that McCreadie and the victim didn’t know each other.

Hesaidthem­enhadbeen drinking together earlier but had fallen out.

Ian Scott, defending Fisher, said he was“a latecomer to the dispute”and insisted he also knew the victim.

SheriffTho­mas Millar deferred sentence on both accused until November25.

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