Wokingham Today

Views on terrorism

- Pam Jenkinson, The Wokingham Crisis House

These are my views on terrorism, and on our future protection. It is no good our listening to Enoch Powell now – half a century too late! We have the ‘rivers of blood’, and we can’t return all Muslims to their country of origin. So many Muslims were born and bred here. This IS their country of origin!

But I agree with President Trump’s proposal. Prevent any further immigratio­n from Muslim Countries. Intern anyone with any terrorist connection­s whatsoever, and deport them wherever legally possible.

Then, let us not forget that we are British. By definition.

We are well educated. We know the classics, and we are fair. Audi alteram partem! Hear the other side! I am friendly with the local Wokingham Muslim taxi drivers because I rely upon their service. They are NOT benefit scroungers. They drive taxis for a living, are courteous, helpful, and are quite human. One confided to me that he would be glad when Ramadan is over. Driving a taxi – having had nothing to eat or drink all day – is no joke!

They tell me that the terrorists are mad fanatics, and are nothing to do with true religion.

How can it be pleasing to Allah – or to any other creative God – to stab innocent people to death?

Furthermor­e, they join happily in Christmas celebratio­ns with their Christian neighbours – with whom they live amicably.

We are British. We are fair. People complain that all immigrants should

be required to learn English. I agree – while being conscious that some – particular­ly the doctors upon whom we rely to keep the National Health Service going – have attended schools set up by the former British Empire, and speak the Queen’s English better than we do! It is NOT fair that these innocent Muslims will suffer reprisals – as they inevitably will – in revenge for the attacks by terrorists.

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