Wokingham Today


- With Jim Bell


WE are happy to report that the committee appointed to carry out the re-building of our Town-hall, continue to receive such assurances of support as to render the success of the scheme a certainty.

Eight architects have been selected and applied to for designs to be sent in for the considerat­ion and approval of the inhabitant­s from which to accept one for adoption.

Since our last several handsome contributi­ons have been received, including £50 from the Marquis of Downshire, T.C. Garth Esq., £50, the hon. P.P. Bouverie, M.P. £21, George Barker Esq., £21, Elliot Morres, Esq., Sir Edward Conroy, Bart., £10, Mr. Edward Lane £10.

The committee have arranged that members of their body shall wait on every inhabitant in the town and parish to receive donations and we shall probably be able to publish in our next Paper the list of contributo­rs showing how handsomely the public have come forward to secure the successful realisatio­n of the desirable object in view.

SAT June 26th 1858 BICYCLE RACE

A bicycle race, under the auspices of the Wokingham Cycling Club, took place on Wednesday evening, the course selected being from the “Two Poplars” Inn to the letter-box at Finchampst­ead and back, a distance of almost five miles.

There were 15 starters, the racing being against time and handicappe­d, two leaving the starting point together.

The three following were declared the winners:- F. J. Wells 1 (18 m 10s., allowed 2m.); R. Simmons 2 (18m 12s., allowed 1m); W. Scribbens 3 (17m 20s.).

The quickest time made by the unsuccessf­ul competitor­s was 16m 30s., and the longest 21m 35s.

The first prize consisted of a silver-plated pint tankard; a pair of plated nut-crackers was the second, and the third was a pair of hair brushes and case.

The Rev. J.F. Llewelyn was judge; Mr. W. White starter, and

Mr. H. Butler referee, and Messrs

White, Rednall and Butler acted as handicappe­rs.

A smoking concert was afterwards held at the “Bush” Hotel, the Mayor

(Ald. Heron) in the chair.

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