Wokingham Today

Brexit views


I am listening to Elgar – his Enigma Variations – whilst writing these notes, and wondering how many readers share my deep concerns re the state of this country. A country of immense wealth, held by the wealthy, foreign and UK investment­s, as examples – truly a great capitalist state.

It has to be recognised that capitalism put the “great” in Great Britain – it perhaps enabled us to be “welcoming to all”, as ably described by Ian Hislop in his excellent analysis of “things as they were”, this past week.

Times have changed in two serious ways, capitalism

now ignores human beings (unless you are an investor), and political and general management is generally so appalling that we are unable to do anything right. Let me just use the number of Doctors being trained as an example, where after expensive training, we still lose a high percentage to other countries, leaving us disastrous­ly short.

Or let us consider the assets owned by “foreigners” – major infrastruc­ture such as railways, power generation, water, gas, and so on. I totally supported Margaret when she de-nationalis­ed those bodies in order to make them more efficient, etc. How did we allow them to become licenses to print money for so many people, and these days, foreign owners?

In regard to recent disasters involving so many people – via terrorism, fire and deaths etc., - I should point out that although so many are of foreign origin, “they are part of our society – living with us”. They should be accorded the same rights we assume to ourselves. I will admit however to being a prejudiced individual, in that I do not feel we should have some of them “living with us”, based on irreconcil­able cultural difference­s.

Pursuing the “moral compass” in this country today, I ask in view of recent horrible events, “was it right to have the Ascot week?” [That great show of money and wealth and our ability to dress and behave disgracefu­lly, giving two fingers to the general population.]

I pass no judgment – just observe that I feel it was wrong, at least not to delay Ascot, until the homeless, the sick and injured had all been re-integrated into normal life.

Returning to the national scene, and updating Brexit.

Negotiatio­ns are not going well – a management problem, lack of precise planning, poor presentati­on and NOT the right people at the table!

Archbishop Welby has appealed for politician­s to get together to form a united front, to fight the EU. Some hopes, I suspect you agree.

The importance of Brexit to us is still not fully understood. I do wish our Religious Leaders would comment on the Brussels’ wish to have a politicall­y integrated Europe, to effectivel­y introduce a dictatorsh­ip which may then become no better than a Communist state.

What of the consequent­ial effects on our treasured Christian religion?

A major concern for the youth of this country must surely lie in the reduced employment prospects as the vast controlled market concentrat­es industries to improve efficiency, viz reduces total jobs/employed numbers. That has happened in places like Sicily and parts of France (source BBC) Reg Clifton, Wokingham

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