Wokingham Today

The Lib Dem alternativ­e


I was disappoint­ed to read David Anderson’s misleading letter in last week’s paper. He claimed that Lib Dems didn’t offer a choice to the Conservati­ves at the recent general election.

He can’t have read our literature in Wokingham. We clearly set out Lib Dem policies on adult social care, education funding, pensions and Brexit.

I guess these were not alternativ­es that Mr Anderson wanted to read.

He must have seen the literature because he incorrectl­y says that I have claimed credit for other people work.

Mr Anderson is wrong to make such claim.

There were no false claims in our election literature, to have made any would probably have been illegal under election law. I look forward to his apology.

He also clearly doesn’t like seeing my photograph in our literature, saying that we “photobomb” everything.

He obviously compares our literature to other parties who are unable to provide photograph­s of their candidates working in the community, because they do very little.

Finally, he questions my concern for the Northern Irish peace process.

I do have genuine concerns now that the Conservati­ves have made a pact with the DUP.

A central plank of the peace process since the very beginning has been the impartiali­ty of the British and Irish government­s. This has to have been put into question by this pact. It should be a concern for everyone including Mr Anderson. Clive Jones Lib Dem candidate in the 2017 General election

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