Wokingham Today

From the depths

- Rosi MorganBarr­y Wokingham Methodist Church

MOST of us find some time in our busy lives to read bits of the Bible, sometimes with the help of various useful Bible notes available. And some of us hear Bible passages read every Sunday.

But parts of the good book remain difficult to understand and to relate to our 21st century lives.

The month of June has been designated a Bible month and it offers an opportunit­y for everyone in the church to immerse themselves in a biblical book; focussing on the whole book and engaging with scripture over four weeks.

The book chosen is Jonah – one which we all know well (or think we do) but which we may find we don’t really understand.

As prophets go Jonah was not much good. A cross mixed-up missionary. God very clearly told him to go to Ninevah and tell them what a mess they were making of their lives. Did he jump to it – as prophets were meant to do back in the day? Not a bit, he went off and caught a boat – in the opposite direction. As a result there was one great storm, and Jonah was pushed overboard. Then came all that business with the whale – did he really get swallowed by a big fish?

Well, the Bible tells us so, but then the Bible is very good at using metaphors (Jesus called them parables) and maybe the story of being shut inside the body of a whale – pitch-dark, silent, alone – represents a time when Jonah was at the very lowest point of his life . And it was all his own fault.

From the depths, Jonah prayed; said sorry, promised to do better. And kept his promise – well, up to a point. (Read the rest of the story for yourselves!)

Many of us have been there, in the depths– due to circumstan­ces, sorrow, wrong-doing. Like Jonah, we can pray, ask for God’s help, and resolve with that help, to keep going, and do better.

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