Wokingham Today

Brexit is Bad for Local Businesses


A new survey of over 350 small businesses across the UK shows Brexit has already had an impact, resulting in delayed investment and employment decisions.

A copy of the report is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R vK7YpFgZ2f­sKfiP2VmYu­0uhuqS5 UviS/view?usp=sharing

Small businesses are the foundation of local communitie­s and play a vital role in the local economy.

Here’s what businesses said:

‘My business will be closing before the end of this year due to Brexit’

‘Our profits have flatlined as prices have risen. We are deeply concerned about the impact that leaving the EU will have on our business and the UK economy.’

‘Brexit is a disaster for agricultur­e. MPs lied about future funding. Dependent on EU exports’

Over three quarters of the small businesses that responded to the survey are either pessimisti­c or very pessimisti­c about Brexit. Many have already experience­d declines and have serious concerns about their ability to invest for the future and to employ suitable staff.

Reduced profits and employment means less corporatio­n and income tax and less business rates being paid, leading to further reductions in services and the deteriorat­ion to our local communitie­s

No MP should be able to claim they “hadn’t quite understood” the impact of Brexit on their community when it comes to the vote in the House of Commons. (Dominic Raab, Brexit Minister, said he “hadn’t quite understood” how reliant UK trade in goods is on the Dover-Calais crossing!)

Our local MP, John Redwood must be fully aware of the impact of Brexit on their community before they vote in the House of Commons on ‘The Deal’, and not claim at a later date they “hadn’t quite understood”.

Voters deserve to know how John Redwood understand­s and values the future of their community.

Vanessa Rogers, Head of the 48% Wokingham Open Britain, Reading contact@open-britain.co.uk

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