Wokingham Today

Keep the statues


I refer to previous correspond­ence.

We should resist, strongly, the current attempts to destroy monuments to some of our national heroes; this is an attack on our history, and our civilisati­on.

Peaceful protest is all right, though, in my opinion, pointless, but vandalism is not acceptable. Look at some of the figures, targeted: Edward Colston lived, more than 300 years ago. He cannot be judged, according to 21st century values.

Presumably, Admiral Lord Nelson, deserves his place, on top of his column, since he defeated Napoleon, for us, at the Battle of Trafalgar.

Cecil Rhodes, was a successful, 19th century, businessma­n, so he operated, according to the values, of the 19th century.

Of course, Robert Baden-Powell, took an interest in the Hitler Youth Movement. In its early days, he probably regarded it, as being as innocent, as his own Boy Scouts.

His Scout Movement is generally regarded as being the most successful youth movement of the 20th century – by the end of which, more than 500 million boys and girls throughout the world, had been Scouts or Guides.

So Robert Baden-Powell deserves to have a monument, in his honour.

I cannot understand why the statue of Sir Winston Churchill has been attacked in the name of anti-racism. He defeated Nazi Germany – which surely had, one of the most ruthless, and racist, regimes, in the history of mankind.

I can think of quite a few, great figures, from history, who would not measure up, by today’s standards. Some of the actions, of John Calvin, an early 16th century Christian reformer would now be regarded as distinctly lacking in Christian charity, and Henry VIII’s treatment of women, would be thought to be decidedly inappropri­ate, but they are significan­t figures from our history, which cannot be erased.

We don’t want white supremacy, but we don’t want, black supremacy, either, and we most certainly don’t want mob supremacy.

What is needed is the equal treatment of all citizens under the law, and this is not achieved, by acts of vandalism.

On a more personal note, I should, through Wokingham.Today like to thank the people, who have helped me to keep our mental health service going during Lockdown. Firstly, I thank Richard and Jane, who run the McColl’s supermarke­t in Priestwood Square, Bracknell. They have donated, to the crisis house a most generous gift of biscuits, cakes, coffee, tea and sugar, which are keeping us going in this difficult time.

Secondly, I thank the local TLC Cleaning Company. By using personal protective equipment, and working on days when the crisis house is closed they, without risk to themselves, have managed to keep their cleaning service going for us during Lockdown.

Thirdly, I thank the Railway staff. The trains kept going throughout and the staff have been very kind and cheerful and have supplied me with protective gloves.

As a result, we, throughout the crisis, have been able to protect our vulnerable members. Pam Jenkinson, The Wokingham Crisis House

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