Wokingham Today

A wise way to spend money during a pandemic?


Love 'em or loathe 'em, politician­s both locally and nationally certainly have the knack for laying themselves open to ridicule.

The recent announceme­nt by 10 Downing Street that the grey RAF Voyager A330 Aircraft used for, among other purposes, official ministeria­l business is to be ‘rebranded’ with a new Union Flag themed paint job – at a cost to the public purse of the best part of £1 million – follows on the heels of the suggestion that it would be a good idea to build a new royal yacht costing around £100 million.

I suggest that most people, in the midst of a pandemic, the nation's economy in danger of heading for a meltdown, care workers paid a pittance, the use of food banks, homelessne­ss and child poverty at unacceptab­le levels, will view these spends as unnecessar­y and inappropri­ate extra vangancies.

Nearer home, I seem to recall, not so long ago, the inmates of Shute End Towers expressing the desire to introduce more ‘street art’ to the town centre.

If the array of colourful red and white crowd (what crowd?) barriers stretching around the notorious oneway system are anything to go by, then they have exceeded all expectatio­ns.

Keith Carter in his letter

( Wokingham. Today, June 18) asks in respect of these barriers, "Why do they (Wokingham Borough Council) treat us like two-year-olds?"

Quite simple Keith – we know best egotism.

Finally, those particular­ly who lives through the war years will have been saddened by the loss of Dame Vera Lynn, at the age of 103. Thanks for the memory Dame Vera, thanks for the memory. J W Blaney, Wokingham

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